How to Register and Trade Your Token on Solana
Are you looking to create and register your token on the Solana blockchain? In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of registering your token and making it tradeable on Solana. By the end of this article, you'll have a fully functional and tradable token on the Solana blockchain.
Table of Contents
Creating a Token on Solana
Registering Your Token
Adding Your Token's Image and Information
Forking the Token-List Repository
Uploading Your Changes to GitHub
Submitting a Pull Request
Adding a Market for Your Token on Serum
Get Started with Spydra
1. Introduction
The Solana blockchain has gained significant popularity due to its high throughput and low transaction fees. If you're looking to create your own token on Solana and make it tradeable, you've come to the right place. In this guide, we will cover the entire process, from creating a token to registering it and adding a market for trading.
2. Creating a Token on Solana
To start the process of creating your token on Solana, you first need to generate a token. In a previous blog post, we discussed how to create a token on Solana. Once you have your token generated, the next step is to register it.
3. Registering Your Token
Although your token is created and live on Solana, it is not yet officially recognized. To get your token recognized, you need to gather all the required information and register it on Solana.
To begin the registration process, navigate to your user home directory and clone the Solana token list repository on your computer using the following command:
git clone
4. Adding Your Token's Image and Information
After cloning the token list repository, you need to add your token's image and information for uploading. Inside the cloned token-list directory, create a directory that matches your token's address in the token-list/assets/mainnet/
Copy and paste your token's logo into the cloned token-list directory, specifically in the token-list/assets/mainnet/<ADDRESS>/
directory. Ensure that you name the logo file logo.png
for raster logos or logo.svg
for vector graphics, as Solana prefers these file types.
Next, open the token-list/src/tokens/solana.tokenlist.json
file and add your token to the list. Be sure to provide all the required information such as the chain ID, token address, symbol, name, decimals, logo URI, tags, and website URL. Save the file once you have added your token's details.
5. Forking the Token-List Repository
To submit your token for registration, you need to fork the token-list repository to your own GitHub account. This will enable you to upload your changes to the forked repository and request the original repository to accept your changes.
While still inside the token-list folder in the command line, set the URL of your local repository to your forked version on GitHub using the following command:
git remote set-url origin<YOUR GITHUB USERNAME>/token-list
6. Uploading Your Changes to GitHub
To upload your changes to the forked repository, add all the files from the token-list to your local repository using the following command:-
git add .
Once you have added the files, commit them with a descriptive message using the following command:
git commit -m "first commit for <YOUR TOKEN SYMBOL & NAME>"
Finally, push the changes to your forked repository on GitHub using the following command:
git push origin main
7. Submitting a Pull Request
With your changes successfully uploaded to your forked repository, it's time to submit a pull request to the original token-list repository. Go to the token list pull requests page and select the "New pull request" button. Follow the prompts to create and submit your pull request.
By submitting the pull request, you are officially requesting to add your token to the Solana token list. After this step, your token is on its way to becoming officially recognized.
8. Adding a Market for Your Token on Serum
Congratulations! Your token is now live and has a name. However, to enable trading of your token, you need to create a market for it on Serum.
Head over to Serum and connect your chosen wallet in the top right corner of the website. Once connected, fill out the form to create a market for your token.
In the form, specify the base token mint address as your token's address and the quote token mint address as the token you want your token paired with. For example, you can use USDT as the quote token.
Submit the form, and you should now have a live market where your token can be traded.
9. Conclusion
Congratulations on successfully creating and registering your token on the Solana blockchain! By following the steps outlined in this guide, you now have a fully functional and tradable token. The Solana blockchain offers high throughput and low transaction fees, making it an excellent choice for token creators.
Remember to stay up to date with the Solana ecosystem and take advantage of the various opportunities it offers. Keep exploring and innovating with your token to unlock its full potential.
10. Get Started with Spydra
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